String Functions
LEFT StringVarOut, StringVarIn, Length
StringVarOut = the left most Length characters of StringVarIn. If Length <= 0, then "".
RIGHT StringVarOut, StringIn, Length
StringVarOut = the right most Length characters of StringIn. If Length <= 0, then "". If Length greater than the string length, then the full string is returned.
SUBSTRING StringVarOut, StringIn, Position, Length
StringVarOut = the first Length characters of StringIn, starting at character Position. Note: less than Length characters may be returned by this function. Position is zero-based. If Length < 0 then it returns to the end of the string. If Length = 0 or Position < 0 or Position > len(StringIn) then "".
LENGTH ValOut, StringIn
ValOut = the length of StringIn
CONTAINS ValOut, StringIn, CheckString
ValOut = the zero-based position of CheckString within StringIn (case sensitive). If no match is found, ValOut = -1.
CONTAINSI ValOut, StringIn, CheckString
ValOut = the zero-based position of CheckString within StringIn (case insensitive). If no match is found, ValOut = -1.
STARTSWITH ValOut, StringIn, CheckString
ValOut = 0 if StringIn starts with CheckString (case sensitive). If no match is found, ValOut = -1.
STARTSWITHI ValOut, StringIn, CheckString
ValOut = 0 if StringIn starts with CheckString (case insensitive). If no match is found, ValOut = -1.
ENDSWITH ValOut, StringIn, CheckString
ValOut = the zero-based position of StringIn ends with CheckString (case sensitive). If no match is found, ValOut = -1.
ENDSWITHI ValOut, StringIn, CheckString
ValOut = the zero-based position of StringIn ends with CheckString (case insensitive). If no match is found, ValOut = -1.
TOUPPER StringVarOut, StringIn
StringVarOut = StringIn converted to upper case.
TOLOWER StringVarOut, StringIn
StringVarOut = StringIn converted to lower case.
TOPROPER StringVarOut, StringIn
StringVarOut = StringIn converted to: first character of each word in StringIn is Upper Case, all other characters are Lower Case.
CHR StringVarOut, AnsiIn , Repeat
StringVarOut = the ANSI character AnsiIn, repeated Repeat times. Repeat <= 0 is interpreted as 1.
ANSI AnsiOut, StringIn
AnsiOut = the ANSI value of the first character of StringIn. If StringIn="", then 0.
TRIM StringVarOut, StringIn
StringVarOut = StringIn with all leading and trailing white space removed.
LTRIM StringVarOut, StringIn
StringVarOut = StringIn with all leading white space removed.
RTRIM StringVarOut, StringIn
StringVarOut = StringIn with all trailing white space removed.