Marketing Options

Marketing Options provide control over certain aspects of Accelerator Email Marketing features. To access Marketing Options, select |Marketing|Marketing Options| from the Accelerator phone book Main Menu or click the Marketing Options tool bar button. Marketing Option details are described below.

Accelerator Marketing Options Tool Bar Button

Recipient Name Tab

The |Recipient Name| tab is used to configure the 'To' field format that is displayed within the recipients email message. By default Accelerator will display either the First and Last name of the recipient in the 'To' field. If the contact does not have a first and last name, the company name will be used. You can change these default settings by selecting an alternate option from within the drop down selections. Additional options include 'First Last', 'First Name', 'Title First Last', 'Company, First Name or Company', 'Company or First Last', 'Company or First Name', or 'Display only the email address'. Click the |Save| button to save your selections.

If you imported contact data to Office Accelerator that did not include a first or last name, Accelerator will enter 'No' 'Name on Import' into the first and last name fields respectively. This occurs because a first and last name value is required for every contact in Accelerator. If your email recipient list contains a large number of contacts that 'do not' contain a name or company, the recipient 'To' value should be changed to 'Display only the email address' OR those contacts should be removed from your send list.

Recipient Name Tab - Accelerator Email Marketing Options

Auto-Inactive Tab

The |Auto-Inactive| tab setting will by default automatically set email campaigns and groups that have not been edited to an 'Inactive' status after 120 days. You can change this inactive state value by entering a larger or smaller numeric value, or disable the Auto-Active feature entirely by de-selecting the check box entitled 'Automatically inactivate campaigns and groups...' option. Click the |Save| button to save your changes.

Auto-Inactive - Accelerator Email Marketing Options

Alerts Tab

The |Alerts| tab setting can be used to configure Accelerator Email Marketing alert properties for Email Notifications and Lead Alerts as well as additional alert related email marketing settings. Each user definable option is described below.

Alerts - Accelerator Email Marketing Options

Alert Options
Send me Notification Emails
If checked email notifications for email marketing activity will be received via the confirmed email address. If unchecked, this feature will be disabled.
Send me Lead Alerts in the Phone Book
If checked, 'Lead Alert' pop-up messages will spawn in phone book at a user defined duration. If unchecked, 'Lead Alerts' will be disabled.
Check for new Lead Alerts every [x] minutes
Sets a user defined Lead Alert check duration in number of minutes.
Display pop-ups when new Lead Alerts arrive for [x] seconds.
Sets the duration in number of seconds that Lead Alert pop-ups remain on the screen.
Automatically delete Lead Alerts for unsubscribed contacts
If check box is selected, Leads Alerts associated with unsubscribed contacts will be deleted.
Ask for confirmation when opening a new pipeline
If checked, conformation will be required prior to creating a new pipeline.

View Rights Tab

The |View Rights| is used to globally allow or dis-allow rights to view email documents, campaigns, campaign groups, verified email addresses, or marketing websites for all Accelerator users. Checking an option enables the rights for all users, click the |Save| button to save your settings.

Modify Marketing User Rights - Office Accelerator

Additional fine grain access rights control can be set for each option via the 'Property Option' for within in option.

Pipeline Tab

The |Pipeline| is used to customize aspects of the pipeline feature. A description of each option is described below.

Accelerator Pipeline Options

Prospect Manager Options
Ask for confirmation when exiting a contact's pipeline screen and the pipeline has no pending items
When checked, prompts the user if no pending pipeline items have been scheduled. Active pipelines should always have pending items prior to exiting.<
When adding a new email and a pending one exist
When checked, prompts the user if no pending pipeline items have been scheduled. Active pipelines should always have pending items prior to exiting.
When adding a new email and a pending one exist
Always ask me what to do - Will prompt the user to use the existing pending email.
When adding a new email and a pending one exist
Don't ask, just use the existing email - Will use the existing pending email without prompting the user.
When adding a new email and a pending one exists
Don't ask, just create a new email - Will always create a new email regardless of whether a pending email is present.
When adding a new phone call and a pending one exists
Always ask me what to do - Will prompt the user to use the existing pending phone call.
When adding new a phone call and a pending one exists
Don't ask, just use the existing phone call - Will use the existing pending phone call without prompting the user.
When adding a new phone call and a pending one exists
Don't ask, just create a new phone call - Will always create a new phone call regardless of whether a pending phone call is present.

Send Single Email Tab

The |Send Single Email| tab is used to configure options associated with sending Marketing Emails to single recipients that are not part of a campaign. The following options are available.

Modify Alert Notifications and Lead Alerts for Single Emails

Modify Alert Notifications and Lead Alerts for Single Emails

Send Single Email Options
Email Notifications and Lead Alert Options
Configures the Alerts for the 'From Email Address' as well as any additional users for single (non-campaign) emails.
Ask for confirmation with 'Send the email Now?' when sending single marketing emails.
If checked will prompt for single email confirmation.
Display 'The email was sent to...' after sending a single marketing email.
If checked will display single email sent confirmation.

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