Enabling the Accelerator Menu in Microsoft Word

The Accelerator Macro Suite is an add-in feature of Office Accelerator that installs an Accelerator menu within your Word Processor (Microsoft Word and/or Corel WordPerfect) providing the ability to merge contact data from Office Accelerator directly to your Word or WordPerfect document. Office Accelerator ships with pre-defined templates for Letters, Labels, Envelopes, Forms, and Faxes, and provides tools to create your own customized merge documents. Customized documents can then be saved, re-used, and even shared with other Office Accelerator users within your account. To enable the Accelerator menu in Word, follow the directions below:

Office Accelerator Menu in Microsoft Word

  1. Close Microsoft Word.

  2. From the Office Accelerator phone book, click the |Add-Ins| menu and select |Enable Add-Ins|.

    Add-Ins List

  3. Select the |Accelerator Menu in Microsoft Word| option and click the |Save| button.

    Select Add-In

  4. Select the |Add-Ins| menu again and click |Install/Remove the Accelerator menu in Microsoft Word|.

    Select to Install Add-In

  5. Click the |Install| button to add the menu to Word.

    Complete Installation

  6. Click |OK| to complete the installation.

    Complete Installation

  7. Open Microsoft Word and click the |ADD-INS| tab, the Accelerator menu should now be installed.

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