Current Search Result

When you search for a contact in the Office Accelerator phone book, your search results appear in the current search result screen. More information about the current search result can be found below.

  1. Searches in the Accelerator phone book will be displayed in the current search result.

    Office Accelerator Current Search Result

  2. When another search in done, the first search result is moved to the previous search and your new result is shown in the current search result.

    Office Accelerator Current Search Result

  3. You can merge the previous search result to the current search result and combine the search results to together by clicking the button entitled |Merge All of Previous to Current|. You can combine lists in other ways as well, such as merging the common of previous to current and removing common of previous from current.

    Combine Previous to Current Result

  4. You can sort the search result by clicking the columns above the search result then clicking the |Sort| button, you can also set a default sort on search.

    Sort Current Search Result

    You can sort the search result via the |Results| menu by selecting |Sort by| as well.
  5. Right clicking on a contact in the current search result will provide a list of available contact actions.

    Right Clicking on a Contact in the Current Search Result

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