Disable Login Recovery

Login recovery enables a user to recover there Office Accelerator and OA Mobile login credentials via a verified email address. You can disable login recovery for any Office Accelerator user, doing so will disable the Accelerator Login Recovery feature preventing a user from using login recovery. To disable this feature for an Accelerator user, follow the directions below.

  1. Open the Office Accelerator phone book and select |File|My Account|.

  2. From |My Account| select the |Administrator Console| button.

  3. From the |Administrator Console| select the |Users Console| button.

  4. From the |User Console| select the |Details| button next to the user to whom you'd like to disable login recovery.

  5. From |User Details| select the |Edit User| button.

  6. Check the box entitled |Login Recovery Disabled|.

  7. Click the |Save| button to save your settings.

Disable Login Recovery

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