Manage User Proxies

Proxies are other Office Accelerator users within your account that share information. A user that is 'Proxy To' another user has access to everything that user has access to, but NOT vice versa. To manage Office Accelerator proxies, follow the direction below.

  1. From the Office Accelerator desktop application, select |File|My Account|.

  2. From |My Account|, select |Administrator Console|.

  3. From the |User Accounts|, section, select |Users Console|.

  4. From the |Users Console| section, select the user you would like to manage proxies for.

  5. Select the |Edit Proxies| button to manage who the user is proxy to, or who is proxy to the user respectively.

  6. Check (select) the users that will be made proxy.

  7. Select the |Save| button to save your proxy settings.

  8. The User Details screen will display who the user is proxy to as well as who is proxy to the user.

    Office Accelerator Manage Proxies

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